We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions from our customers here. If you can't find what you're looking for, please contact us.
How do I place an order?
Please see the Where to buy page for more information.
What is your return policy?
Our company offers 14-day returns for products which are damaged due to manufacturing defects. For more information, please refer to the Returns & Refunds page.
Do you have food safety certifications for your products?
Yes. Please see the Achievements & Certifications section of the About page to download our certifications.
What is the shelf life of your products?
Expiration date is marked on the package. Below is a summary of each product category:
Jelly: 12 months
Popball: 12 months
Crystal Boba: 12 months
Shaped Jelly: 12 months
Jelly: 12 months
Popball: 12 months
Crystal Boba: 12 months
Shaped Jelly: 12 months
How do I store and keep them?
Keep them in a cool dry place and avoid excessive heat, moisture or constant exposure to light. All products must be refrigerated after opening
Do THey need to be cooked before using?
No. All of our products can be used directly without cooking.